"They will not be easy to find. We should have begun to increase significantly the size of the Army and Marine Corps the day after 9/11. But we did not. So we must turn again to those Americans and their families who have already sacrificed so much in this cause. That is a very hard thing to do. But if we intend to win, then we must.Three thousand troops have sacrificed their lives, tens of thousands more have suffered life changing injuries, over a hundred thousand Iraqi civilians have been killed (133 on Thanksgiving alone), and even Mr. Prolonged struggle himself, Henry Kissinger, says we're in an unwinnable war. And McCain wants to send MORE troops into that quagmire.
It is not fair or easy to look a soldier in the eye and tell him he must shoulder a rifle again and risk his life in a third tour in Iraq. As troubling as it is, I can ask a young Marine to go back to Iraq. (emphasis mine)"
Without endorsing his '08 candidacy, let me quote the 1970's John Kerry: "How do you ask a man to be the last man to die for a mistake?"
Apparently, John McCain has no problem asking for that sacrifice.
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